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DHS Professor Test Prep #2

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DHS Professor Test Prep #2

DHS & DentalPost Help You Beat the Odds

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Questions 1-30

1. Three muscles elevate the mandible (close the mouth). They are:

  • A. Lateral pterygoid, masseter, temporalis.
  • B. Medial pterygoid, masseter, temporalis.
  • C. Medial pterygoid, buccinator, temporalis.
  • D. Medial pterygoid, lateral pterygoid, masseter.

2. A base is placed prior to the final restoration primarily to:

  • A. Seal all dentinal tubules.
  • B. Insulate and protect the pulp.
  • C. Provide a strong adhesive bond.
  • D. Increase the strength of the filling.

3. Hyaluronidase, an enzyme that degrades hyaluronic acid, is also known as a:

  • A. Catalase. 
  • B. Coagulase. 
  • C. Peroxidase. 
  • D. Spreading factor. 

 4. Which is the deficiency for thiamine?

  • A. Scurvy. 
  • B. Beriberi. 
  • C. Pellagra.
  • D. Spina bifida. 

5. Each of the following is TRUE of fluoride varnishes EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

  • A. Retained for 24-48 hours. 
  • B. Effective for use on infants. 
  • C. Recommended for home use. 
  • D. Used for desensitizing exposed root surfaces. 

6. An example of the core value “non-maleficence” is doing dental screenings in a nursing home. This core value deals with the patient rather than the practitioner. 

  • A. The first statement is true. The second statement is false. 
  • B. The first statement is false. The second statement is true. 
  • C. Both statements are true. 
  • D. Both statements are false. 

7. Dismissing a patient without ample and proper notices is considered “Abandonment.” This is an example of an unintentional tort.

  • A. The first statement is true. The second statement is false. 
  • B. The first statement is false. The second statement is true.
  • C. Both statements are true.
  • D. Both statements are false.

8. “Pegged” maxillary lateral incisors can be described by which term?

  • A. Anklylosed teeth.
  • B. Dens in dente.
  • C. Microdontia.
  • D. Hyperdontia.

9. What is the suggested treatment for geographic tongue?

  • A. Brushing the tongue with a soft toothbrush.
  • B. Hydrogen peroxide rinses.
  • C. Prescription of an antifungal agent.
  • D. No treatment required.

10. Smoking is a primary risk factor for all of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

  • A. COPD.
  • B. Dental caries.
  • C. Periodontal disease.
  • D. Hypertension.

11. Which of the following cysts is the LEAST likely to be visible radiographically?

  • A. Nasolabial.
  • B. Dentigerous.
  • C. Nasopalatine.
  • D. Lateral periodontal.

12. All of the following conditions are of viral origin EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

  • A. Shingles.
  • B. Hepatitis E.
  • C. Cerebral palsy.
  • D. Oral hairy leukoplakia.

13. Hypoglycemia is the most common adverse diabetic event. Hypoglycemia can be caused by taking too much insulin, failing to eat, or heavy exercise.

  • A. Both statements are true.
  • B. Both statements are false.
  • C. The first statement is true. The second statement is false.
  • D. The first statement is false. The second statement is true.

14. The Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs (CPTIN) measures:

  • A. Periodontal needs.
  • B. Periodontal status.
  • C. Periodontal inflammation.
  • D. Periodontal bone loss.

15. A community dental health hygienist typically participates in all of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

  • A. Diagnosis.
  • B. Surveys.
  • C. Program planning.
  • D. Evaluation.

16. Examples of Federal Health Agencies include all of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

  • A. Department of Health.
  • B. National Institutes of Health.
  • C. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
  • D. Internal Revenue Service.

17. During a medical emergency, which route of drug administration produces the most rapid response?

  • A. Oral administration.
  • B. Topical administration.
  • C. Intravascular administration.
  • D. Subcutaneous administration.

18. Each of the following statements is characteristic of vasoconstrictors EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

  • A. They reduce hemorrhage in the area.
  • B. They increase the toxicity of the solution.
  • C. They prolong the duration of local anesthesia.
  • D. They delay absorption of the solution into the systemic circulation.

19. Which radiographic finding may be associated with periodontitis?

  • A. Indistinct lamina dura.
  • B. Visible and uniform periodontal ligament space.
  • C. Alveolar bone following the contour of the CEJ.
  • D. Alveolar crest bone 1 millimeter apical to the CEJ.

20. Functions of lipids in the human body include:

  • A. Tissue repair.
  • B. Carry vitamins A and D.
  • C. Provide fiber for peristalsis.
  • D. Enzymatic activity in the GI tract.

21. Presenting assessment findings, including the dental hygiene diagnosis and proposed treatment care plan, is known as the following:

  • A. Patient intervention.
  • B. Case presentation.
  • C. Case implementation.
  • D. Evaluation presentation.

 22. Each of the following is an appropriate protocol in managing acute necrotizing gingivitis (ANUG) EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

  • A. Topical corticosteroid therapy.
  • B. Debridement with ultrasonic instruments.
  • C. Improved oral hygiene care.
  • D. Therapeutic0.12% chlorhexidine rinse.

23. Which gracey curet is designed to be used on the distal surface of the mesial buccal root of tooth #22?

  • A. 13/14.
  • B. 9/10.
  • C. 11/12.
  • D. 5/6.

24. Type II examination is what type of oral examination?

  • A. Mouth mirror and light only.
  • B. Tongue depressor and light only.
  • C. Mouth mirror, explorer, lighting radiographs, study models and tests.
  • D. Mouth mirror, explorer, lighting and limited radiographs.

25. In inferential statistics, the term reliability refers to:

  • A. The extent to which the measurement is consistent
  • B. The extent to which the measurement is accurate.
  • C. The extent to which the measured assesses what it is supposed to measure.
  • D. The extent to which the measurement shows cause and effect.

 26. The mesial furcation of the maxillary first molar is generally located towards the lingual surface. Instrumentation of the mesial furcation of a maxillary first molar is best accomplished when approached from the buccal surface.

  • A. Both statements are true.
  • B. Both statements are false.
  • C. The first statement is true and the second is false.
  • D. The first statement is false and the second is true.

27. A patient admits swallowing some fluoride during an in-office professional fluoride application. The patient may experience acute fluoride toxicity because the fluoride reacts with the stomach acids to form hydrogen fluoride, which irritates the stomach lining.

  • A. Both the statement and reason are correct and related.
  • B. Both the statement and reason are correct but not related.
  • C. The statement is correct, but the reason is not.
  • D. The statement is not correct, but the reason is correct.
  • E. Neither the statement nor the reason is correct.

28. The maxillary canine occludes with the distal half of the mandibular canine and the mesial half of the mandibular first premolar. Which Angle’s Classification of occlusion does this describe?

  • A. III.
  • B. II Div. 1.
  • C. II Div. 2.
  • D. I.

29. Each of the following is a local delivery of oral chemotherapeutics EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

  • A. Dentrifrices.
  • B. Oral rinses.
  • C. Home oral irrigation.
  • D. Fluoridated water.

30. The most important factor risk factor involved in periodontal disease is:

  • A. Age.
  • B. Tobacco use.
  • C. Endocrine disorders.
  • D. Gender.


1. B. The lateral pterygoid is responsible for shifting the jaw from one side to the other, while the buccinator is a muscle of facial expression and helps hold food on the occlusal table during mastication.

2. B. Liners are used to seal dentinal tubules, not bases. A base has absolutely nothing to do with bond strength or the final strength of the filling.

3. D. Catalase and peroxidase are enzymes that break down hydrogen peroxide. Coagulase is an enzyme that contributes to the coagulation of blood or plasma.

4. B. The deficiency for thiamine is beriberi. Scurvy is the deficiency of vitamin C; pellagra is the deficiency for niacin, and spina bifida can result from a folate deficiency.

5. C. Since fluoride varnishes are an in-office topical fluoride, they should NOT be recommended for home use. However, they are retained on the teeth for 24-48 hours, effective for use on infants, and used to desensitize exposed root surfaces.

6. D. Providing dental screenings in a nursing home is an example of the core value of Beneficence. Nonmaleficence deals with the practitioner, not the patient.

7. A. Dismissing a patient without ample and proper notice is considered Abandonment, which is an example of Contract (civil) law.

8. C. Microdontia refers to an anomaly in which one or more teeth are smaller than normal. Peg laterals are an example of microdontia.

9. D. No Treatment Necessary.

10. B. Smoking is not a risk factor for the development of dental caries.

11. A. The nasolabial cyst is a soft tissue cyst that develops between the nose and the upper lip. It is typically not visible on a radiograph.

12. C. Cerebral palsy is a neurologic disorder caused by damage to the developing brain that occurs before birth, during birth, or immediately after birth. Cerebral palsy is not contagious and is not caused by a virus or bacteria.

13. A. Hypoglycemia or low blood pressure is a much more common diabetic emergency than hyperglycemia. Hypoglycemia can be triggered by taking too much insulin, not eating, or strenuous exercise.

14. A. The Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs (CPTIN) measures periodontal needs.

15. A. A community dental health hygienist does not typically participate in the diagnosis.

16. D. The Internal Revenue Service is not a Federal Health Agency. All of the other choices are examples of Federal Health Agencies.

17. C. Because IV medications are delivered directly into the blood, they give the fastest response.

18. B. Vasoconstrictors DECREASE the potential toxicity of a local anesthetic solution because they delay the absorption of the solution into the circulation by keeping the solution in the injected area longer.

19. A. In a healthy periodontium, the lamina dura should be completely intact, distinct, and radiopaque.

20. B. Proteins are most important in tissue repair and enzymatic activity. Fiber is an example of carbohydrates. Vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble vitamins.

21. B. Case presentation presents the assessment, proposed care plan, dental and dental hygiene diagnosis findings to the patient. The other choices do not correctly define the statement.

22. A. Topical corticosteroid therapy is used to treat aphthous ulcers, not acute necrotizing gingivitis (ANUG). The other choices are each used to manage ANUG.

23. A. The 13/14 gracey curet is designed to be used on the distal surfaces of posterior teeth. The 5/6 is used on premolars; the 9/10 on the facial and lingual surfaces of posterior teeth; and the 11/12 on the mesial surfaces of posterior teeth.

24. D. Type II examination uses mouth mirror, explorer, lighting, and limited radiographs.

25. A. Reliability refers to the extent to which the measurement is consistent.

26. C. The mesial furcation of the maxillary first molar is located toward the lingual surface. The mesial furcation of the maxillary first molar is best approached from the lingual, NOT the buccal surface.

27. A. Both statements are correct and related.

28. D. In Angle’s Classification of occlusion I, the maxillary canine occludes with the distal half of the mandibular canine and the mesial half of the mandibular premolar. With both Class II, Div. 1, and Div. 2, the maxillary canine will be positioned anterior (mesial) to the mandibular canine. With Class III occlusion, the maxillary canine is positioned posterior (distal) to the mandibular canine.

29. D. Fluoridated water is an example of systemic delivery of an oral chemotherapeutic agent since it is ingested systemically and delivered via the bloodstream. The other choices are examples of local delivery methods

30. B. Tobacco use leads to the progression of periodontal disease, and the negative effects produced are not reversed. The other choices are NOT risk factors for periodontal disease.

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